THE PRIZE: There is no company sponsor this week but I can't let you go on without providing some kind of prize!! I am always on a lookout for new images that feature reading and I'm ready for you to surprise me! So I'll let this week's winner choose any 3 cards from my site to receive in the mail! (Provided they haven't already been used, of course.) It will be easy... either use an image that might be new to me and/or simply recommend a link to a stamp sold online in your descriptions. A random winner will be selected from entries that do one or both of these options!
Check out what the rest of the design team has made to inspire you...

THE RULES: Remember the rules are posted on the sidebar and entries must be submitted by Saturday evening. Enjoy creating and I can't wait to see what you make!
And with sadness, we say goodbye to our November Guest Designers, Tanya and Kim M, this is their last challenge with us. These girls gave so much heart in their creations, we are surely going to miss them!! They did a WONDERFUL job on the challenges this month, don't you agree?! We wish you the best on your next adventures girls!! Stay tuned for the revealing of December's Guest Designer!